Directed Self Placement - English
Directed self-placement is a process that empowers students to make informed decisions about their English course placement. Directed self-placement provides students with the necessary information to choose the courses that best align with their experience, goals, and needs. It’s crucial to start in the right classes to avoid unnecessary stress, anxiety, and resource wastage.
Here’s how DSP works:
- Understanding Your Needs: Directed self-placement allows you to assess your reading and writing abilities honestly. You’ll reflect on your previous experiences, preparedness for academic coursework, and expectations for English courses.
- Survey Participation: Take a self-guided survey that takes approximately 30 minutes. Answer questions related to your reading and writing skills, and overall readiness for academic coursework. These steps help you gain insight into your current practices and understand what will be expected of you in college-level English courses.
- Course Recommendation: Based on your survey responses, you’ll receive recommendations for your first-year courses. For English, you may receive a recommendation for a one or two-quarter first-year writing course. Remember that these recommendations are not binding; they’re tools to guide your decision-making process. Consult with your advisor to review the recommendations and make an informed choice.
Is Directed Self Placement (DSP) my best option?
Many students are able to use high school and college transcripts and other documents for course placement. You can upload unofficial transcripts at To determine your best placement option, please take our placement survey at
DSP is suitable for the following students:
Students who have exhausted other placement methods: If you've explored other placement options and they don't apply to you, directed self-placement is the logical next step.
Who is eligible to take the DSP?
DSP is only for current and prospective Green River College students. Students in the following programs are excluded from using DSP:
- International Programs (IEP)
- English Language Learners (ELL)
- VA benefit users
- High School Completion programs (including Open Doors and HS21+)
- Adult Family Home
- For another college or union/apprenticeship
Students falling into any of the categories listed above should take the College Success English Assessment
Go to to request taking the DSP survey from home, or come to the Placement & Testing Center during our open hours.