TRiO Student Support Services

Supporting Student Success

TRiO Student Support Services increases opportunities for academic success for first generation, low-income, and/or students with disabilities. 

The TRiO team fosters a supportive environment that celebrates the successes of TRiO students and provides comprehensive, ongoing support services to address institutional barriers and navigate individual challenges, to increase graduation and transfer rates.

Are you TRiO?

You may be eligible for TRiO if you are a Green River College student who:

  • Meets one or more of these eligibility requirements
    • Is a first-generation college student (neither parent holds a bachelor's degree)
    • Meets low-income federal guidelines 
    • Has a documented disability (for example, a Letter of Accommodation from Disability Support Services, an IEP from High School, or a diagnosis from a medical provider)
  • Is pursuing your first college degree which is one of these
    • A transfer degree with the intent to transfer to a 4-year school after graduation
    • An AAS degree with the intent to pursue a Green River BAS program after graduation
  • Is a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or refugee


Apply to TRiO


The U.S. Department of Education funds two TRiO Student Support Services grants at Green River College in the amounts of $361,922 (SSS) and $272,364 (SSS-STEM) per year.