Workforce Education Service
Workforce Education Service may provide assistance with tuition, books, fees, tools, and individual support services.
Workforce Education Services provides financial support to help connect students with
a path into a high-demand, high wage career through grants. These services can help
- Student Planning to transfer to a university
- Professional Technical certificates and degrees
- Job Skills training-specific skills needed to gain employment
- Pre-college skills (diploma, GED, Basic Skills or ESL) to prepare for career training
Each program has different criteria and requirements, but Workforce Education Service teammember has the tools to help each student find funding that will put them solidly on the path to completion and employment.

I Am Interested
Next steps to take

Learn more about various grants and resources that can help cover the cost of tuition, GED fee, ELL, as well as assist students in navigating campus resources.

Career Education
Career Coaching appointment and workshop are available to current, degree-seeking
undergraduate, professional degree program and certificate program students at Green
River College and recent graduates from GRC. We provide a comprehensive range of
services to empower students and alumin in their career journeys, including:
- Job Search Strategies
- Resume/ Cover Letter Review
- Interviewing/Networking Tips
- Practice Interviews

Rising Scholars
Rising Scholars is a campus program designed to for justice impacted and/or families
that were justice impacted students. We offers wraparound support services for justice
involved individuals. We assist with:
- Releasing planning and transition services
- Support students with higher education exploration, class registration, and all aspects of the enrollment process.
- Refer students to community-based organization and partners for holistic support, including housing and childcare support.