The Math Learning Center will be offering both in-person and online math tutoring during Winter Quarter.
MLC Tutoring will be available from Monday, Jan. 6 through Monday, Mar. 17
MLC Tutor Hours for Winter Quarter will be:
- In-Person Tutoring (CH 313): Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm, Friday: 9am - 4pm
- Online Tutoring (via Zoom): Monday - Thursday: 9am - 5pm, Friday: 9am - 4pm
- CLOSED: Saturday & Sunday
Math Tutoring in the evenings and on weekends is available via E-Tutoring (see link below)
Students may rent graphing calculators from the MLC for the quarter. Please email the MLC director, Adrienne Palmer (contact information below) if you have any questions.
MLC Director: Adrienne Palmer
To get help from an online MLC tutor, please click on the zoom link below. This will connect you with the MLC Math Tutor Zoom Lobby.
Last Day for MLC Tutoring during Winter quarter is Monday, March 17. E-Tutoring is available on Study Day and during Finals Week.
Password for All Tutoring Sessions: 000
Winter Quarter Tutoring will run from Monday, Jan. 6 through Monday, Mar.17
Note: The MLC will be CLOSED (NO TUTORING) on the following days:
(E-Tutoring IS AVAILABLE on these days that the MLC is closed)
- Mon, Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Jr Holiday
- Thurs, Jan. 23 In-Service Day
- Tues, Feb. 4 Advising Day
- Mon, Feb. 17 President's Day Holiday
- Tues - Fri, Mar. 18-21 Study Day and Finals Week
*If you need help at times when the MLC is not open (like evenings or weekends, In-Service/Advising/Professional Day, Study Day or Finals Week), please see the eTutoring link below
Math Tutoring is available in the evenings and on weekends via E-Tutoring
Green River students have access to E-Tutoring as another FREE online tutoring resource that is available 7 days a week.
This service is a collaboration from many colleges across Washington and a few other states, so you may get tutors from other colleges who will be helping you with your material.
E-Tutors will be available in a Zoom lobby from about 6am until 11pm. This is a good option if you need tutoring at times when the MLC is not open.
Students may use E-Tutoring up to 3 times a week, with a maximum usage of 20 sessions for the quarter.
Please click on the link eTutoring to be taken to the sign-in page.
MLC Tutoring Services
Would you like extra help with your math class? The Math Learning Center tutors are happy to assist you either in-person or in our virtual tutoring sessions! Our tutors can help you with understanding a homework problem or clarifying a concept that was presented in class.
The MLC employs students in part-time hourly positions to provide brief tutorial math assistance on a drop-in basis. A schedule of tutors, along with the level of math and the days/times they are available is posted above. This tutoring service is free of charge.
Other Resources
Study Skills Resource Page
Research shows that at least 25% of your success in a math course depends on your math study skills and self-motivation. The Study Skills Resource Page was created to provide students free resources to meet the different set of study skills to be successful in a math course.
Visit the Study Skills Resource Page
Entrance Exam Review Course
A math placement exam review course with Sample Entrance Exams for Math 70, 72, 97, 141/107/170/147, 142, and 151 is available online. Directions for accessing this review material can be found through the Assessment & Testing Center - Wamap Math Entrance Exam.