Tukwila School District Equivalency Guide

High School Graduation Requirement Green River College Equivalency
English Any English or Communication Studies 100 or above
Mathematics Generally, any 100-level math course or above. Verify with your counselor before enrolling for a math course
Social Studies

US History: HIST&136 and 137

Senior Social Studies: POLS& 101, 201, 202, 203, 204

NUTR& 101, HEA 102*

*HEA 102 is no longer offered at GRC. Consult with counselor for alternative
Physical Education Any PE activity courses
Fine Arts

Art: ART 100 or above

Music: MUSC 100 or above

Drama: DRAMA 100 or above

Biology: BIOL 125, BIOL& 100, 160, 211, 212, 213, 241, 260

Chemistry: CHEM& 110, 121, 131, 161, 162, 163

Geology: GEOL 101, 106

Oceanography: OCEA& 101

Environmental Science: ENVS 194*

*ENVS 194 is no longer offered at GRC. Consult with counselor for alternative
Occupational Education (verify with high school counselor)

Any 100 and above level course from these disciplines:

Accounting, Business technology, Career Studies, Computer Information Systems, computer Science, Criminal Justice, Drafting, Early Childhood Ed, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Health Info Tech, Health Care Professions, Homeland Security Emergency Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Human Services, Interior Design, Journalism/Mass Media, Library & Information Services, Multimedia Design, Nursing, Nursing Assistant, Nutrition, Paralegal, Sustainability, Visual Communications

*Some of these disciplines may not be available at GRC
World Language Verify with high school counselor

The Running Start program funds classes at the 100 level or above

High school credit will be awarded by earning the college’s minimum passing mark


College Credit Translation Guide

College credit / High school

5 credit class = 1.0 high school credits

4 credit class = .80

3 credit class = .60

2 credit class = .40

1 credit class = .20