Getting to Know Occupational Therapy

Knowledge about what the Occupational Therapy Assistant does in the vareity of practice settings is important to understand. The program accepts three different ways to show your research about the program.

  1. Job Shadowing. Shadow an occupational therapist (OT) in at least 2 settings with a total of 5 hours and have the OT complete the following form Job Shadowing Form (this must be completed by your Occupational Therapy Practitioner that you shadow).
  2. Job Experience: A profession that is in direct contact to an Occupational Therapist to include but not limited to Rehabilitation Aide, Therapy Aide, Paraeducator. Complete this form Job Experience Form


  1. Research: Research can be done online by going to but not exclusively to, AND OR interviewing an OT/OT Assistant. Complete the following form Research based Knowledge

Submitting Forms: Submit forms with your application.  If they are completed AFTER you send in your application email the form to: