OTA Application Process

Applications are now being accepted and will remain open until the cohort is filled. Visit the OTA Application Form Page

All Applicants Must Also Apply to Green River College

You no longer must wait for Pre-requisites to be done to save your spot!!!

You qualify to apply if:

  1. Declare OTA as your Education Pathway-code OTA
  2. The program has rolling admissions. You can complete the application online and state what quarter, year and program track you wish to join.  For example, Fall 2025 Traditional
  3. Enrolled in or in the process of taking your Science Pre-requisite. Choose from one pre-requisite Science course: Bio&175 OR AP 103 OR Bio&241. To meet the general education requirements, take either before or during the first year of the program: Eng 101, Math 070 or higher.? CMST

Contact the program director mporras-monroe@greenriver.edu to discuss your your progress with pre-requisites. You can access more information at Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites. Once you determine which required pre-requisites and co-requisites are required, determine what path best fits you.

Other things to consider and to do for a smooth transition:

Candidate Selection Process:

Selection is based on the following system (not in order of priorities):

  • Grades in pre-requisites, co-requisites and cumulative college GPA
  • The number of completed supporting co-requisites at time of application. If there is hardship completing co-requisites, please contact the Program Director
  • Essay score
  • Knowledge about Occupational Therapy

Students assume all responsibility for reading and following instructions.

Candidates who meet the requirements (academically, Getting to Know, and essay) are offered contingency/provisional acceptance into the program. You will be granted a contingency/provisional spot in one or both circumstances:

  • The Science pre-req must be completed with a 2.0
  • Completion of a National Background Check and Washington State Patrol Background Check. The program will send you the link to complete this.

Note that a felony conviction may affect a student's ability to be placed in fieldwork which is required to complete the requirements of the degree and affect the graduate's ability to sit for the NBCOT certification examination or attain licensure. Students must complete Level II fieldwork within 18 months following completion of the didactic portion of the program. If you do have a conviction on record, you can contact NBCOT Character Review and Pre-Determination for eligibility.