Applications are now being accepted and will remain open until the cohort is filled. The OTA Application can be found here

You no longer must wait for Pre-requisites to be done to save your spot!!!

You qualify to apply if:

  1. Declare OTA as your Education Pathway-code OTA
  2. The program has rolling admissions. You can complete the application online and state what quarter, year and program track you wish to join. For example, Fall 2025 Traditional
  3. Enrolled in or in the process of taking your Science Pre-requisite. Choose from ONE pre-requisite Science course: Bio&175 OR AP 103 or Bio&241. To meet the general education requirements, take either before or during the first year of the program: Eng 101, Math 070 or higher and 5 credits of any CMST course

Contact the program director to discuss your progress with pre-requisites. You can access more information at Pre-Requisites and Co-Requisites.

About Our Program: What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy is a health profession that assists individuals who face challenges related to physical injury, illness, developmental, psychosocial, or aging-related issues. The therapy helps people to regain the necessary functions to carry out daily work, self-care, and leisure activities related to their roles. Occupational Therapy Assistants work under the guidance of Registered Occupational Therapists, and practitioners work in various settings, such as schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing facilities, mental health institutions, and return to work programs, catering to people from birth to old age.

Why Choose Our Program?

Two program tracks are offered including a Traditional track and a Hybrid track which is the only hybrid program offered in the state of Washington.

  • Strong curriculum integration in each course with a focus on current community practice
  • Faculty considered experts in the field with community practice and partnerships, leading to high employment rates
  • 1:1 in-depth advising and excellent relationships with community partners further increase student success
  • Exceptionally strong student organization with 100% AOTA membership

Choosing the Program That Fits You

  • Designed for students who need more flexibility in the day hours
  • Courses are offered throughout the week with occasional Saturday intensive labs or community service work. Ideally students come to campus 2-3 times per week in the evening dependent on scheduling of courses and how instruction is delivered.
  • Courses offered on-line and in face-to-face format
  • Students must be self-directed, computer literate, and have ready access to computer technology to use on-line course delivery method
  • Level I fieldwork required involving day-time clinic observations
  • Program demands align with part time employment
  • Nine (9) quarters in length
  • Program is developmental in design where students must finish foundational classes in program before entering application academic practice classes
  • Program Start: Spring quarter, odd years
  • Face to face course times vary but can start as early as 4:00pm

View full OTA Curriculum Sequence

  • Designed for students who are free to attend full-time day classes Monday through Friday, with some early evening courses. An occasional Saturday may be expected to allow for community service work.
  • For those who desire a structured program in a traditional classroom lecture/lab format
  • Seven (7) quarters in length; quarters 6 and 7 consisting of full-time internship/fieldwork
  • Full time employment is not recommended
  • Program is developmental in design where students must finish foundational classes in program before entering application practice classes
  • Program Start: Fall quarter
  • No courses in the first summer between first year (3rd quarter) and second year (4th quarter)

View full OTA Curriculum Sequence


For the cost of the program visit our OTA Estimated Costs page.

GRC Retention

The total number of graduates from Green River College Occupational Therapy Assistant program during the 3-year period (2022-2024) was 41 with an overall graduation rate of 85.41%.

 Graduation Year Students entering / graduates Graduation Rate
2022 15/16 94%
2023 13/18 72.2%
2024 13/14 93%

Performance of GRC graduates on the NBCOT certification exam can be found at NBCOT School Performance.

For more information about the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, come to an Information Session. Click on the below to book your session now!