Learn Japanese at GRC

Set yourself apart from the crowd and study Japanese at GRC. We offer two full years of Japanese courses taught by our highly skilled instructors. Courses are taught in both in-person/hybrid and virtual/hybrid modalities. Morning, afternoon, and evening classes are available. Fulfill the Humanities/Fine Arts/English requirement for the AA degree as well as certain university transfer and graduation requirements. Also fulfill requirements for the GRC Asian Studies and Global Studies Concentrations. Complete the equivalent of two years of high school Japanese in just two quarters.

Participate in COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) virtual exchanges in the second-year courses with a university in Japan. Work towards proficiency certification such as the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) to add to your resume. Prepare for study abroad opportunities such as the GRC Japan Study Abroad Program, Temple University Japan Campus, and the Critical Languages Scholarship. Open career paths in the third largest economy in the world in areas such as translation, education, business, and technology. Gain deeper access to Japanese popular media culture (anime, gaming, film, streaming, etc.).

Benefits of the GRC Japanese Program

The Jet Program - Since 1987, the Japanese government has hired over 55,000 young people from around the world to live and work in Japan in the JET Program.

Other Career Paths

  • Participate in virtual exchanges in 200-level courses!
  • Tentatively planned for Japanese IV and VI (fall and spring quarters).
  • Partner institution is the University of the Ryukyus (Okinawa, Japan).

Join the GRC Study Abroad program! Earn GRC credit while studying in Japan.

Be a part of a 20-30 students from GRC and other colleges to live and study in Tokyo, Japan in this 10 week study abroad program. Earn 15 GRC transfer credits in Digital Photography, Creative Writing, and Japanese Culture!

Temple University, Japan Campus (TUJ)

Get your BA degree while studying in Japan!

Critical Languages Scholarship

Study in Japan during the summer (8-10 weeks) for free!

The CLS Program offers instruction in the following language and levels:

Open to students at all language levels, including beginners Azerbaijani, Bangla, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu  
One year priot study required Arabic and Persian  
Two years prior study required Chinese, Japanese, and Russian  

Take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Earn a Global Seal of BiLiteracy. A Seal of BiLiteracy recognizes that an individual has attained a certain level of proficiency in two or more languages.