New Intensive English Program (IEP) students are placed in the appropriate level
through the following methods:
To be placed in Level 5 academic bridge class, students need a 55-59 international
TOEFL score, an overall IELTS of 5.5 with no bands lower than 4, a 75-90 DuoLingo
score, or a 655-695 TOEIC score
To be placed in Level 4 bridge, students need a 50-54 international TOEFL score, an
overall IELTS 5 with no bands lower than 3.5, a 55-70 DuoLingo score, or a 605-650
TOEIC score.
Students with scores below Level 4, can be placed directly into our lower level classes.
Students with no TOEFL, IELTS, DuoLingo, or TOEIC scores will be tested and placed
into the appropriate level using a reliable diagnostic test that evaluates the students'
skills in listening, reading, vocabulary, writing and grammar.
What to expect:
Twenty hours of class per week for levels 4 and 5 students.
Level 4 students have the opportunity to take a pre-selected 2-credit 100-level academic
class with their IEP class in preparation for the 200-level 5-credit academic class
in level 5.
Level 5 students take a pre-selected 5-credit transfer class with their IEP class
in which they receive support from their IEP instructor and classmates. Students take
their academic transfer class with American students.