- Be sure you know the location of fire extinguishers, exits and pull stations in your area
- Always evacuate when you hear the fire alarm. There is no way to know whether the alarm is false or not. Evacuate
- the proceed immediately to the nearest building rally point
- Pull fire alarm
- Call Campus Safety at 253-288-3350 or campus extension 3350
- Evacuate the building, close the doors
- Smother or douse a small, minor fire if you feel you can control it without endangering others
- Call Campus Safety at 253-288-3350 or campus extension 3350 even if the fire is out
- If fire is small AND you have extinguisher training, use a portable fire extinguisher to put out the fire
- If you have doubt about the size of the fire or your ability to extinguish it, do not try. Evacuate.
- If you become trapped, get as low as possible where there is the least amount of smoke
- DO NOT attempt to extinguish a fire if you doubt the size or your ability
- DO NOT use elevators
- DO NOT stop for personal belongings or records
- DO NOT stand in smoke. Crawl to nearest exit, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to avoid inhaling smoke
- DO NOT open a door if smoke is pouring in or around the bottom or if it feels hot