Studying For Tests

Studying For Tests

Begin preparing early!

  1. Review notes from class frequently.
  2. Write a summary sheet or note cards of key concepts, terms and properties from each section as it is covered in the course. Include a couple of problems from each section.
  3. Begin studying for the test at least a week before the test.
  4. Obtain or make a list of all possible topics on the test.
  5. Do not deal with the next topic until after you have total confidence on the current one.
  6. Most of your study time should be spent writing out and thinking about the concepts. Only a small percentage of time should be
    spent reading your notes and textbook.
  7. Master all topics on my topics list before working on any practice tests.
  8. Form a study group of 3 to 4 dedicated students.
  9. Make a Practice Test and take it until you score 100%. The best way to ensure success on a test is to make and master practice
    tests. Make sure you recognize the concepts and problems when they are in random order.
  10. Take practice tests in your textbook and apply the Ten Steps to Better Test Taking.
  11. Use the Six Steps to Test Analysis to evaluate your mistakes after taking your practice tests.
  12. If your instructor gives you a practice test, simulate test conditions and take it just as if it were the test. If you have a time limit on your exam, then practice with a time limit.
  13. Always aim for 100%. It is not possible to study too much.

Test Day

  1. Get plenty of sleep the night before. Prepare all your required materials in advance.
  2. Arrive early, but don’t get dragged into negative talk with classmates.
  3. Breathe and relax yourself - deep breathing through the nose and out through the mouth. Stretch.
  4. Ignore other students during the test.
  5. Ask questions if needed. The instructor may choose not to answer the question but you won’t know unless you ask.
  6. Follow the Ten Steps to Better Test Taking!
  7. Make sure you read the questions carefully, and do all parts of each problem.

Hours of Operation

Mon-Thurs: 10am - 5pm
Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun

MLC Transaction Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8am - 5pm
Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun
Special Closures: No tutoring will be available on In-Service Day, Advising Day, Professional Day or state holidays

View Closures & Special Hours


Cedar Hall, 313

Contact Us

Adrienne Palmer

Math Learning Center Coordinator
