Getting the Most Out of Class

Getting the Most Out of Class

Be an active participant!

  1. Be prepared! Read the section(s) that will be covered before class. This will give you a better understanding of the material and as a result you will learn more in class.
  2. Have all necessary supplies and an organized notebook.
  3. Attend every class!! Research shows that successful students never cut class and usually take notes on at least 64% on what is being discussed. Missing even one class puts you behind in the course by at least two days.
  4. Take full class notes. This is discussed in detail in another section.
  5. Make sure you have a seat where you can read what is written on the board and hear all the discussion. The front or center of the room is usually ideal.
  6. Answer all of your instructor’s questions. You may do so by volunteering, or silently to yourself.
  7. Ask questions when you don’t understand! Other students often have the same question and appreciate hearing the answer. If you do not have the opportunity to ask the question in class, make a note of your question on paper, and be sure to follow up with the instructor, a tutor, classmate, or your book to determine the answer. The longer you wait before getting help, the harder it will be to catch up.
  8. If you miss a class, ask the instructor for any handouts and a classmate for a copy of their complete notes. Read the notes and the corresponding section of the textbook and make a serious attempt to do the homework. Check out a video on the section if it is available. If you still have questions, write out specific questions to ask your instructor, a classmate, or a tutor. Don’t expect the instructor to teach you the entire section.

Hours of Operation

Mon-Thurs: 10am - 5pm
Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun

MLC Transaction Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8am - 5pm
Closed: Fri, Sat, Sun
Special Closures: No tutoring will be available on In-Service Day, Advising Day, Professional Day or state holidays

View Closures & Special Hours


Cedar Hall, 313

Contact Us

Adrienne Palmer

Math Learning Center Coordinator
