Data Analytics and Software Development

Join the dynamic fields of data analytics & software development

Data analysts and software developers are in high demand across all areas of business. As a student in our Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Data Analytics & Software Development, you'll learn how to use data analytics tools and programming languages to solve real-world data-related problems. Use your knowledge and creativity to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data in healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and other areas.

Why choose GRC?

  • Build a strong foundation in data science or software development through hands-on practice using the latest technologies
  • Project-based learning - work on solving real problems
  • Small class sizes and dedicated faculty who care about your success
  • Daytime and virtual classes available
  • Financial aid, scholarships, and part-time jobs on campus for those who qualify
  • Graduates from this AAS are eligible for 3rd year junior standing in our Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Software Development

skills of a good data analyst

  • Proficiency in programming languages like Python, R, SQL 
  • An eye for detail to spot errors and poor quality data
  • Problem solving abilities to work through data inconsistencies and patterns
  • Understanding of statistical concepts
  • Good communication skills to create clear reports and presentations
  • Collaborate well on teams
  • Curiosity and desire to keep learning about this rapidly evolving field
  • Strong ethics to handle data responsibly



What you can do with data

  • Develop predictive models for different scenarios in any field
  • Identify trends, patterns, and potential solutions for critical issues
  • Help make evidence-based decisions to optimize processes and reduce costs
  • Analyze consumer behavior and preferences to help businesses understand their customers
  • Use data to assess risks, prevent fraud, and guide investment decisions
  • Reveal wastage, improve efficiency






Got a question? Let's talk.

Career & Advising Center
253-833-9111, ext. 3482 

Software Development and Data Science

Degrees & Certificates

Bachelor's degree

Software Development BAS

Associate degree

Data Analysis and Software Development, AAS-T

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