
Kazakhstan, SUSI 2017

As a talented singer and actor, Karina wanted to find a creative way to connect her passion for performance art with helping others. So she partnered with a local non-profit organization to organize a benefit concert for a family in need. The family has two young girls with serious medical conditions (one has cerebral palsy and the other has epilepsy), and they must travel to Russia for quarterly medical treatment.

Karina invited the most popular entertainer in the region to co-host the event and also provided a platform for local non-profits to raise awareness about cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The concert was a great success and they were able to raise enough money to cover 70% of the cost of one trip. Karina writes, “The concert was really touching. All those little kids singing about dreams, happy childhood, and miracles was so heartwarming. I saw people in the audience smiling and crying at the same time. I'm really happy we could help somehow.”

Performers on stage at the fundraising concert.
Fundraising concert with participation of children's vocal group “Fantasy”.

Performers on stage at the fundraising concert.
Karina, center stage, accompanying the singers.

Karina presenting money raised to the family benefiting from the fundraising concert.
Karina presents money and flowers to the family.