Courses in Australia & New Zealand

Academic Program

This is a study program. Students must carry a 15-credit load and are expected to fully participate in all class activities. Students will take History, Biology and a third course to be announced in summer 2023. See detailed course descriptions below.

Courses are scheduled Monday through Friday, with field trips integrated throughout.

Course Descriptions

Biology: Natural Science of Australia/New Zealand

Australian and New Zealand Faculty - 5 Natural Science Credits
Focuses on the ecology of Australia and New Zealand, including ecosystems and human impact on ecosystems. The biodiversity, characteristics, and interactions of Australian and New Zealand flora and fauna will also be investigated within various habitats and ecosystems. A significant portion of the course will involve field observations and experiences. This course does not meet the lab distribution requirement. and is designed for the beginning college student.

English: Introduction to Poetry
Dr. Patrick Milian - 5 English Credits
Serves as an introduction to reading, interpreting, analyzing, and discussing poetry, with particular attention to the works’ formal elements and cultural contexts. This particular offering will focus on the indigenous poets of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. In doing so, students will still experience an in-depth study of poetics such as form, rhyme, meter, imagery, figurative language, etc., but they will also experience poetry as a vital force. Throughout Aboriginal and Maori history, poetry has served a major role in shaping culture and motivating protest movements, and this class offers a unique way into these histories and movements.

Third Class: TBD - 5 Credits


Meet the Green River College faculty.

Lectures will also be provided by highly qualified Australian and New Zealand faculty.

Dr. Patrick Milian

Dr. Patrick Milian

Dr. Patrick Milian is a professor of English at Green River College, where he specializes in creative writing and multimedia/digital writing. Patrick received his MFA and PhD from the University of Washington, where he was a Joff Hanauer Fellow and recipient of the Richard J. Dunn Teaching Award. He’s the author of a forthcoming book of poetry, as well as pieces that have been published in POETRY, Gulf Coast, Mid-American Review, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He’s also published academic articles in Joyce Studies Annual, Pacific Coast Philology, and Modernism/modernity.

Contact Us

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Study Abroad Staff

Megan Swanson, Assistant Director, Study Abroad
Megan Swanson, Assistant Director of International Education
Office Location: IVD 114      Phone: 253-931-6845


Andres Montano Leal, Study Abroad, Program Assistant
Andres Montano Leal, International Education Program Manager 

Office Location: IVD 116        Phone: 253-931-6976

Follow us on Social Media! #GRCstudyabroad

Detailed brochures and applications are available for each program. Information meetings are arranged as needed. Group orientation sessions are scheduled prior to departure.


McIntyre International Village D (IVD)

Study Abroad Programs- IP
Green River College
12401 SE 320th St.
Auburn, WA, 98092


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Study Abroad Application

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Study Abroad Funding Tips [PDF]

Scholarships for Study Abroad

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