Shokhinakhon created a campus club to serve as safe space for college and high school students to share and discuss issues of their concern with their peers. The driving motivation to establish the club came from an abrupt decision by her university to double the tuition rates. Understandably, this policy change resulted in severe student unrest and anxiety. As more members joined from neighboring schools, the club soon evolved into a conflict resolution focus. Using books, materials the skills she gained from her SUSI experience, Shokhinakhon successfully moderated discussions on a weekly basis. The club operated for a full semester, and according to Shokhinakhon, club members noticed significant positive changes in their interpersonal relationships after applying what they learned in the club in their daily lives.
The project continued to grow...
Shokhinakhon writes, “This small project was a good experience which inspired me and led me to believe that I can do even more. After graduation, I applied to the American Center Tashkent for a small grant for women's discussion club, which was successful. Now I am an instructor and a mentor for 100 girls within this club. The WomanUP club is a youth-focused discussion club to empower and support young women. It is for them, about them, and partly led by them. It provides a safe environment where they can discuss topics that specifically relate to them. The discussion club encourages free expression and allows space for organic conversation. Skills for stress-relief, peer-connection, positive identity and self-esteem development, and healthy relationships building are developed and practiced.”