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Green River College receives regional recognition for excellence in marketing and communications at 2020 NCMPR Awards

Green River College's College Relations team recently received top honors from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR) - District 7 Medallion Awards competition. This annual competition is exclusive to, and judged by, marketing and public relations professionals at community and technical colleges.

Read More about the article: Green River College receives regional recognition for excellence in marketing and communications at 2020 NCMPR Awards November 19, 2020

State Board of Community and Technical Colleges
Green River College logo
Portrait of Trustee Ramirez Robson

The Helen S. Smith Gallery Now Featuring the Works of Gary Oliveria

Early on in the project, Gary directed and collaborated with his family when he saw the right moment, interesting light or a particular expression. Later, he watched and documented their self-awareness and creativity as they tried on the different roles of their identity. The most recent work is a combination of these ideas along with a visual record of progression and change.

Read More about the article: The Helen S. Smith Gallery Now Featuring the Works of Gary Oliveria September 23, 2020