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Aspen Prize logo over SU Building

Green River College Recognized as a Top 150 U.S. Community College by Aspen Institute, Eligible for $1M 2023 Aspen Prize

Green River College has been named one of the top 150 community colleges in the country by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program. As a Top finalist, GRC is eligible for the 2023 $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance.

Read More about the article: Green River College Recognized as a Top 150 U.S. Community College by Aspen Institute, Eligible for $1M 2023 Aspen Prize November 2, 2021

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Superheroes | Ask A Gator

Superheroes are everywhere in entertainment these days. What better way to escape than to imagine a fantastic world where we have more power and control over our lives? This week, we've asked students to name their their favorite superheroes and to share a superpower they've always wanted. Gators, assemble!

Read More about the article: Superheroes | Ask A Gator October 21, 2021

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In Person and Zoom Lobby Stations for Student Vaccination Attestations and Verifications

Students must verify their vaccination status via zoom or in-person. To verify, they will need to show proof of their vaccination card via Zoom or on campus (see dates and times below) by October 18th or an academic hold will be placed on their record and they may be dropped from their classes.  

Read More about the article: In Person and Zoom Lobby Stations for Student Vaccination Attestations and Verifications October 13, 2021

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Back To School | Ask A Gator

Welcome back, Gators! It's been a long, hot summer but Fall Quarter has finally arrived. We asked these students about their favorite school supplies, learning styles, and what they're excited about this Fall. So grab your pumpkin spice latte and check out the new season of Ask A Gator! New episodes air every other Thursday.

Read More about the article: Back To School | Ask A Gator September 23, 2021

Green River College logo
Exterior of the Student Affairs and Success Center building on the Green River College main Auburn campus.
Students from GRC’s Health Sciences & Education Division administer covid-19 vaccines the vaccination at pop upclinic
Green River College logo

Message from the President / GRC vaccination update

After reviewing the requirements extensively, and at the recommendation of the GRC Reopening Committee, Green River College will become a vaccinated college. As a vaccinated college, all students, staff, and faculty must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they are claiming a medical, religious, or philosophical exemption. This decision was made because vaccination is the best way to protect the health and safety of our campus community.

Read More about the article: Message from the President / GRC vaccination update July 15, 2021