Recent News

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GRC & Altius to offer free COVID testing starting Feb. 7th at the Fitness Center (FC), located in the southeast corner of campus

Free, voluntary COVID-19 testing for GRC students and employees will be available on campus Mondays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., starting Feb. 7. The testing site will be located at the Fitness Center (FC), located in the southeast corner of campus.(NOTE: The testing site is not in the Recreation and Athletics Center (RAC) in the Student Union).

Read More about the article: GRC & Altius to offer free COVID testing starting Feb. 7th at the Fitness Center (FC), located in the southeast corner of campus February 4, 2022

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All scheduled in-person classes, activities, and services resume Feb. 7

Starting Monday, Feb. 7, scheduled face-to-face and hybrid face-to-face courses (that did not begin on January 18th) will resume meeting on-campus. Most campus offices/student support services will return to the on-campus schedule of Mondays and Thursdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Learn more about on-campus services.

Read More about the article: All scheduled in-person classes, activities, and services resume Feb. 7 January 31, 2022

Rep. Adam Smith meets with members of ASGRC and Campus Life

Green River College and GRC Veteran Services receives new FY 2021 Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) award.

Green River College was awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. This newly awarded grant will allow Veteran Services to develop model programs and opportunities that will contribute and support Veteran students’ success in postsecondary education by coordinating services to address academic, financial, physical and social needs; increase annual enrollments of Veteran students who receive VA educational benefits; increase year to year persistence; and increase rate of cre

Read More about the article: Green River College and GRC Veteran Services receives new FY 2021 Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success (CEVSS) award. January 18, 2022

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All Alone: The Campus Closure thumb
Ask A Gator Thumbnail 10-07-21

Giving | Ask A Gator

It's that time of year when many of us think about gift-giving, so we asked our students, what have been some of their all time favorite gifts received, gifts given, and the funniest they've come across. Here are their answers! This concludes Season 2 of Ask a Gator. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season however you choose to celebrate. Enjoy the winter break!

Read More about the article: Giving | Ask A Gator December 2, 2021

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Gratitude | Ask A Gator

Imagine a big, cozy room filled with family and friends, a crackling fireplace, and a view of Pacific Northwest rain falling softly outside the window. In this week's episode, find out what our students are thankful for, how they practice gratitude, and what their favorite holiday traditions are.

Read More about the article: Gratitude | Ask A Gator November 18, 2021

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