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GatorCast Ep. 5: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? - An interview with Josh Staffieri

President Johnson and educational and career planner Josh Staffieri discuss career exploration and the resources available to students who are planning for life after college. Topics include figuring out who you are, where you're going, and how you're going to get there.

Read More about the article: GatorCast Ep. 5: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? - An interview with Josh Staffieri March 7, 2019

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Washington Certification Services' Barton and Neville earn national recognition

Peggy Barton and Rachel Neville, both from Washington Certification Services (WCS) at Green River College, received national awards during the Innovation in Certification event at the Association of Boards of Certification (ABC) Annual Conference and Trainers Workshop in Savannah, Georgia on Jan. 10. ABC is an international membership organization and testing service for environmental certifying authorities.

Read More about the article: Washington Certification Services' Barton and Neville earn national recognition February 12, 2019

Exterior of Green River College's Technology Center building during the morning after a snowfall in 2017.
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GatorCast Ep. 3: A Place Where I Belong - An interview with C Nicole Mason (Part 1)

President Johnson is joined by author and social justice advocate C. Nicole Mason, who recently lead a three-day series of lectures and workshops focusing on equity, diversity and the power of personal narrative at Green River College. In this episode, Dr. Mason shares her personal journey as the two discuss her book, Born Bright: A Young Girl's Journey from Nothing to Something in America?

Read More about the article: GatorCast Ep. 3: A Place Where I Belong - An interview with C Nicole Mason (Part 1) February 6, 2019

Helen S. Smith Gallery to open new exhibition, “Evanescence: Neil Berkowitz, Thelma Harris and Lisa Parsons”

The Helen S. Smith Gallery at Green River College will open “Evanescence: Neil Berkowitz, Thelma Harris and Lisa Parsons” Feb. 14 in the Holman Library. The exhibition runs through March 14 and will feature a closing reception and artist talk from noon to 1 p.m. March 14.

Read More about the article: Helen S. Smith Gallery to open new exhibition, “Evanescence: Neil Berkowitz, Thelma Harris and Lisa Parsons” February 1, 2019

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