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GRC responds to recent ICE announcement of policy changes affecting international students

GRC President Suzanne Johnson and Wendy Stewart, vice president, International Programs and Extended Learning, respond to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's recent decision to end an emergency waiver allowing international students to maintain their visa status while taking only online courses.

Read More about the article: GRC responds to recent ICE announcement of policy changes affecting international students July 10, 2020

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A Note of Encouragement and Support: Spring Quarter Resources & Dates

Spring quarter 2020 classes will begin on Monday, April 6. Classes and support services will resume with online delivery while all GRC locations, offices, and buildings will remain closed to the public through May 4, unless otherwise directed. Students should remain off-campus following the Governor’s directives and campus “closed to the public” expectations. Employees can access campus for the purpose of delivering/supporting online educational needs critical functions of the College.

Read More about the article: A Note of Encouragement and Support: Spring Quarter Resources & Dates April 4, 2020

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Update on GRC’s preparations related to the novel coronavirus

President Suzanne Johnson provides a campus update regarding the coronavirus, COVID-19. "The safety of our students, faculty and staff is our priority. Currently, no members of the Green River College community have been diagnosed with COVID-19... In an abundance of caution, we are preparing as we would for any other potentially disruptive situation, such as a natural disaster."

Read More about the article: Update on GRC’s preparations related to the novel coronavirus March 1, 2020

GRC President Johnson was selected for the Aspen Institute's New Presidents Fellowship

Green River College President Selected for Aspen Institute’s New Presidents Fellowship for Community College Excellence

GRC President Suzanne M. Johnson has been selected to join the inaugural class of the Aspen New Presidents Fellowship, a new initiative designed to support community college presidents in the early years of their tenure to accelerate transformational change on behalf of students. President Johnson is one of 25 Aspen Fellows selected from more than 100 applicants and will engage in a seven-month fellowship beginning in June 2020.

Read More about the article: Green River College President Selected for Aspen Institute’s New Presidents Fellowship for Community College Excellence February 5, 2020

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Public Notice of NWCCU Accreditation Visit to Green River College (April 29-May 1, 2020)

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) will perform a comprehensive accreditation evaluation visit to Green River College on April 29-May 1, 2020. The NWCCU evaluation team will meet with Green River students, faculty, staff and board of trustee members to evaluate the college's compliance with NWCCU accreditation standards and policies.

Read More about the article: Public Notice of NWCCU Accreditation Visit to Green River College (April 29-May 1, 2020) January 3, 2020