Gator News

"The Selfish Giant w/ The Puppet & Its Double Theater" from Taiwan comes to GRC

By Tsai-En Cheng, Dean of Branch Locations, Academic and Program Development, May 10, 2024

In partnership with Sound Education International, the Taiwan Academy in LA, and the UW Taiwan Studies Arts & Culture Program, Green River College welcomes you to a series of children-friendly program, The Selfish Giant with Taiwan’s The Puppet & Its Double Theater, on the Green River College campus from May 11 to May 19.

Event poster for

In this ingenious production by Taiwan’s The Puppet & Its Double Theater, The Selfish Giant brings to life Oscar Wilde’s beloved story of a selfish giant who learns about the true meaning of friendship and generosity through the innocence of children. Through puppets large and small—from a tiny toy to a huge automaton of the giant—the heartwarming and timeless tale combines captivating storytelling, enchanting visuals, live music, and a talented cast to create a magical experience for audiences of all ages.

Performances (90 minutes) with a post-show talk


About the Artists

Founded in 1999, The Puppet & Its Double Theater‘s mission is to create challenging and innovative Puppet Arts that touches the heart and mind. Adhering to the creative principle of “everything can be a puppet,” the company creates a new style for contemporary Taiwanese Puppet Arts, as well as an aesthetic imbued with magic and philosophy.

Having presented more than 50 original productions, the Puppet & Its Double remains focused on breaking new ground in original local content and intercultural Puppet Arts exploration. The group has received numerous invitations to perform at international art festivals in Europe, Asia, and America. With professional and puppet delicatery skills, the Puppet & Its Double brings forth a limitless imaginary space that humans alone cannot realize. Their shows not only allow children to admire aloud, but also silently contemplate. The playfulness, curiosity, and joy of adults are also awakened.

Educations and upgrading skills are extremely important for the company. The Puppet & Its Double Theater has been unwavering in its efforts to nurture new talents and local content by establishing the Lìzé Puppet Art Colony in 2013, focusing on international puppetry exchange and talent cultivation. It has since become a leading base for puppet arts innovation in Asia.

The Selfish Giant with Taiwan’s The Puppet & Its Double Theater is a collective effort between Green River College and its generous partners: Sound Education International, Taiwan Academy in LA, and the UW Taiwan Studies Arts & Culture Program

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