Gator News

Helen S. Smith Gallery to open new exhibition, “Evanescence: Neil Berkowitz, Thelma Harris and Lisa Parsons”

By Philip Denman, February 1, 2019

Evanescence: n. The event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight.

The Helen S. Smith Gallery at Green River College will open “Evanescence: Neil Berkowitz, Thelma Harris and Lisa Parsons” Feb. 14 in the Holman Library. The exhibition runs through March 14 and will feature a closing reception and artist talk from noon to 1 p.m. March 14.

In the exhibition, artists Berkowitz, Harris and Parsons respond to the idea of place uniquely from an ephemeral and abstracted sense of being in layered digital photography, to reflections on time and personal history through dimensional Polaroid wall and pedestal installations, to preservation of our natural world in the documentation of landscape. 

Together, these artists play off each other’s profound conception of place and time through the lens and experimentation of photography, making the fleeting nature of time tangible.

Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; Austin  Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018
Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; Austin
Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018

Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; Musée Magritte, Brussels; Avenue Louise, Brussels  Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018
Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; Musée Magritte, Brussels; Avenue Louise, Brussels
Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018

Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; Musée du Louvre, Paris; Prinsengracht, Amsterdam  Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018
Neil Berkowitz Intersections: Downtown, Seattle; Musée du Louvre, Paris; Prinsengracht, Amsterdam
Photography. Inkjet print. Substrate TBD2. TBD2 2018

Thelma Harris Atmosphere - Detail Polaroid 2016
Thelma Harris, Atmosphere - Detail Polaroid 2016

Thelma Harris Planned Obsolescence - Detail 1 Polaroid 2016 – Present
Thelma Harris, Planned Obsolescence - Detail 1 Polaroid 2016 – Present

Thelma Harris Planned Obsolescence - Detail 2
Thelma Harris, Planned Obsolescence - Detail 2

Lisa Parsons, Water Carving Stone 2016. 16 x 20 Digital Photograph printed on glass
Lisa Parsons, Water Carving Stone, 2016. 16 x 20 Digital Photograph printed on glass

Lisa Parsons, Green River Gorge, 2016. 16 x 20 Digital Photograph printed on glass
Lisa Parsons, Green River Gorge, 2016. 16 x 20 Digital Photograph printed on glass

About the Helen S. Smith Gallery

The Helen S. Smith Gallery on Green River College's main campus was named in honor of the college Foundation's first President. In addition to being one of the college's founding members, she was known as a strong advocate for the arts in the community.

The gallery is open to the public 7 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday and is located at the main entrance of the Holman Library, on the Green River College's main campus. It hosts a number of shows each year, featuring the work of students and Northwest artists.

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