Gator News

Green River launches new Susan Burton (Re)Entry Scholarship for system-impacted students, donor pledges to match up to $10,000

By Philip Denman, May 25, 2021

The Green River College Foundation and GRC (Re)Entry program recently launched a new scholarship for system-impacted students, in part thanks to a generous match by Susan Burton, founder of A New Way of Life Reentry Project and One Book author.

Susan Burton ReEntry Scholarship

The Susan Burton (Re)Entry Scholarship recognizes the punitive practices of the American criminal justice system over the last 50 years, as well as its disproportionate impact on Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) communities. A pledge has been made to match up to $10,000 in donations to the new scholarship fund. 

According to the GRC (Re)Entry Team, the scholarship is a small step in attempting to repair some of the historical injustices that have come to impact our most marginalized communities, and it well help enable students to enroll at Green River College. “A college education offers so much more than future employment - although that's a big one! It also offers a chance for students to develop a new identity, a sense of community, and an understanding of the many social forces that impact their lives.” 

Burton’s book, Becoming Ms. Burton: from Prison to Recovery to Leading the Fight for Incarcerated Women, was featured in GRC’s One Book series. In February 2021, she hosted “Dreaming of Justice, Working for Freedom!”, in which she shared her journey from incarceration to supporting over 2,000 women find their freedom, dignity, and purpose to leading a global model for change. 

Burton returns to Green River on June 3 to present “Imagining ReEntry at Green River" from 12:30 – 2 p.m. The panel discussion will discuss why educational reentry programs are essential, hear about some of the amazing work being done in the field, and help us envision the ReEntry Program at Green River. 

If you would like to make a donation to the Susan Burton (Re)Entry Scholarship, please visit the giving page at and select “(Re)Entry Scholarship” in the Designation dropdown field. 

Green River College faculty and staff looking to make a financial impact can donate to the Foundation through the Employee Giving program.

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