Gator News

GRC observes National Sexual Assault Awareness Month

By Deb Casey, vice president, Student Affairs, April 4, 2018

Hello Green River Campus Community, 

April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sexual assault and sexual violence are topics that, while often difficult and uncomfortable to discuss, are important to address. It is on all of us to confront issues of sexual assault.

Our campus is committed to creating a culture of consent and ownership of how we respect and protect others as well as to intervene as bystanders, to speak up when we see something, and to support survivors on their journey of healing. 

Each year, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center ( chooses a theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. For 2018, they have announced that the national theme is “Embrace Your Voice!” 

We are excited to be a part of a theme we believe is truly relevant. In the last few months, the world has seen the power of truly embracing one’s voice, and this is true regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender identity or age. Examples include #BlackLivesMatter, an international movement, bringing light to issues of privilege, violence, and systemic racism and oppression. The #MeToo movement giving voice to survivors of rape, sexual assault, and harassment. The students in Florida coming together and are using their voices to affect change through #NotOneMore.  All of these groups are using their voices to bring awareness, change, and action. 

This month, we are calling on you; the students, staff, and faculty that truly make our community great, to come out and speak up. 

  • Stop by the Mel Lindbloom Student Union for lunch and have a conversation using the table tents that have statistics, resources, and suggestions about what you can do
  • Join the WYSIWYG event on Tuesday April 10th between Noon and 1pm to
    • make a button, keychain, or pocket mirror with your favorite consent saying
    • take a coloring sheet to express your creative side
    • sign up to participate in a short video about the importance of consent 

It takes all of us to bring these conversations out of the shadows and into our relationships so boundaries are clearly set and respected. Learn more and take the pledge at  Green River information can also be found at

We hope all of you will participate in creating a safe and respectful community by engaging in our month of activities! 

Go Gators! Embrace your voice! 

Deb Casey, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs

The Personal Safety Against Violence (PSAV) Committee
Co-chairs Seth Grossman and Sarah Postel


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