Distinguished Faculty Award

Distinguished Faculty Awards recognize Green River College faculty members who have demonstrated distinguished service to dedication through their teaching and contributions to their profession and to the campus and/or community.

Deadline for Nomination

The deadline for all submissions is July 8, 2024.


The Green River College Foundation presents up to 3 awards for $1,500 to the award recipients from GRC Foundation funds.


Nominee demonstrates excellence in any or all of the following areas:

  1. Instruction, counseling, guidance, and library.
  2. Involvement in campus committees and activities.
  3. Professional development in field of expertise and/or in the teaching profession and sharing of that expertise with other faculty, administrators and staff at Green River or other institutions and organizations.
  4. Involvement in community activities and organizations.

Nomination Process

Any member of the Green River College faculty, student body, staff, or alumni may submit a nomination using this form. The nominator provides written statements that demonstrate the candidate's qualifications for the award by May 6th, 2024. Following the submission of a nomination, the following steps occur:

  1. Nominees will be notified.
  2. Nominees must include a 1-2 page statement that describes their teaching philosophy and addresses their qualifications for this award.
  3. Nominees must include an assignment that demonstrates innovative teaching methodology, and/or the ability to engage and inspire in students independent and original thinking.
  4. Nominees may provide additional information that would be pertinent (up to 2 additional pages) if desired. Examples include:
    1. Comments from student evaluations from 2 or 3 recent classes
    2. Professional awards and/or recognition
    3. Community Service Awards and/or recognition

Review and Selection Process

Committee of individuals who have received this award in the past reviews application packets and selects the finalist.