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PSE power project scheduled Aug. 28-31, main campus closed Wednesday, Aug. 29

Puget Sound Energy will begin work on Aug. 28 to resolve ongoing power issues that have caused periodic outages on Green River’s main campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods.To complete the project, PSE will limit power to main campus from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Aug. 29. As a result, main campus will be closed on Wednesday, Aug. 29, with classes and scheduled events canceled, and operations suspended.

Read More about the article: PSE power project scheduled Aug. 28-31, main campus closed Wednesday, Aug. 29 August 6, 2018

Portrait of Jamie Fitzgerald
Photo of Commons in front of Student Union
Rolita Flores Ezeonu was recently named

Ezeonu named GRC's next Vice President of Instruction

Green River College has named Dr. Rolita Flores Ezeonu its new Vice President of Instruction. She will join the College on July 2, 2018. Ezeonu has over twenty years of experience in higher education. Ezeonu served as the Interim Vice President of Instruction since 2017 and as Dean of Instruction for Transfer and Pre-College Education at Highline College since 2008 in Des Moines, Washington.

Read More about the article: Ezeonu named GRC's next Vice President of Instruction May 25, 2018