Course Placement Options

Many courses require an assessment of a student's skill level in reading, writing and math to ensure students are prepared to successfully complete the course. Students' course placement will determine how they progress through their program of study. Appropriate placement is important as it impacts a student's progression through their program and alignment of their demonstrated skill set to promote academic success.

Your previous educational experience will help determine the options most likely to place you successfully. We strongly encourage high school graduates from an accredited US school in the past five years and anyone with credit from an accredited college or university to submit unofficial transcripts for evaluation of placement eligibility. Please submit all placement documentation to our Secure Document Upload tool. Official transcript evaluation will be necessary to have previous college credits applied toward your degree.

The survey below will help you determine where you place and what you will need to do to get placement. 

Please take our Placement Survey

If you would like more information about how we evaluate documents for placement, please see the links below:

High School Transcripts

College Transcripts

Transfer Scores/Placement Reciprocity

Smarter Balanced Assessment

Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate

Directed Self-Placement (DSP)

College Success Reading Assessment

WAMAP Math Entrance Exam

Contact Us

For questions on which placement method is best for you,
Career and Advising Center
Phone: 253-833-9111 ext. 3482

For questions on taking a placement assessment,
Placement & Testing Center
Phone: 253-833-9111 ext. 3449


Placement & Testing Center
Student Affairs & Success Center, SA 148

Requesting Placement Scores

Students who have already taken an assessment and need a copy of their placement scores for use at other institutions may request those to be emailed, faxed, mailed or picked-up in person at the Main Campus in Auburn. Please complete and submit the Placement Score Request form to request scores. Please be aware that placement scores are valid for two years. After two years, the scores will no longer give placement. 

Distance Proctoring

For instructions on taking placement assessments online visit