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GRC to Collaborate with UW for Community College Research Initiatives Grant

Green River College will collaborate with the Univeristy of Washington Community College Research Initiatives and Evans School of Public Policy & Governance on a NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant to study and scale-up data-informed improvements to technical education programs. The project is a collaboration with the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Seattle Central College, Skagit Valley College, and a professional advisory committee.

Read More about the article: GRC to Collaborate with UW for Community College Research Initiatives Grant May 14, 2019

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GatorCast Ep. 7: Why Wait to Make Your Voice Heard? - An Interview with ASGRC Representatives

President Johnson discusses the ins-and-outs of the Associated Students of Green River College (ASGRC) with current ASGRC President Floyd (Zhaowei) Chen, Vice President Rosie (Omjee) Son and Chief Justice Veronica Chaplin. Elections for next year’s executive officers will be held during the Spring Quarter.

Read More about the article: GatorCast Ep. 7: Why Wait to Make Your Voice Heard? - An Interview with ASGRC Representatives April 5, 2019